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2024 Quantum Information Knowledge (QuIK) Workshop
Athens, Greece

Welcome to the first Quantum Information Knowledge (QuIK) workshop, which will be held in Athens, Greece, during ISIT 2024!

Trulli Trulli

The Quantum Information Knowledge (QuIK) workshop will be held as part of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2024, the flagship conference of the IEEE Information Theory Society. The long-term vision for this workshop is to establish a platform at ISIT for active discussions on problems in quantum information. The goal of this first edition of the workshop is to provide foundational knowledge in quantum error correction (QEC) for fault-tolerant quantum computing (FTQC), complement that with exciting talks by invited speakers working in this area, foster discussions on key open problems, both foundational and practical ones, and discuss some of the latest results in the field.

Mailing List:

We have created a mailing list for this workshop to send updates. To join the mailing list, click here to auto-compose the e-mail, but replace "firstname" and "lastname" in the subject line to your first name and last name respectively (leave the message body blank). In case the link doesn't work, please send an e-mail to with an empty message body and the subject 'subscribe isit-quik24 firstname lastname' (ignore the quotes and replace placeholders with your first and last names). If you do not receive a welcome message from the list within 30 minutes, please contact us (see bottom of this page).

Tentative Schedule:

The workshop starts with a tutorial introducing fundamental concepts in QEC and FTQC, targeted at an audience with background in classical coding theory. No prior familiarity with quantum mechanics or quantum computing is assumed. The tutorial will be followed by invited talks by various well-known researchers who are pushing the boundaries of QEC and FTQC. The workshop will end with a panel discussion involving the invited speakers and a poster session based on novel research work and key open problems in FTQC.

Time Event
09:00 - 10:00 Tutorial on Quantum Error Correction and Fault-Tolerance
10:00 - 10:50 Keynote Talk: Liang Jiang
10:50 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 11:25 Invited Talk 1: Valentin Savin
11:25 - 11:50 Invited Talk 2: Nithin Raveendran
11:50 - 12:15 Invited Talk 3: Priya J. Nadkarni
12:15 - 13:15 Lunch Break
13:15 - 13:40 Invited Talk 4: Anirudh Krishna
13:40 - 14:05 Invited Talk 5: Armanda O. Quintavalle
14:05 - 14:10 Break
14:10 - 14:35 Invited Talk 6: Gretchen Matthews
14:35 - 15:00 Invited Talk 7: Shayan Srinivasa Garani
15:00 - 15:15 Snack Break
15:15 - 16:00 Panel Discussion
16:00 - 17:00 Poster Session

Topics of the Workshop:

The tutorial, presentations, and discussions in this workshop would cover a broad range of research topics in FTQC, including but not limited to the following:

Workshop date and venue:

Full-day workshop (in-person) on July 7, 2024 (Sunday) in room Ypsilon I-II-III of Athenaeum Intercontinental Athens

Invited Speakers List:

Invited talks by fault-tolerant quantum computing experts from different backgrounds such as physics, mathematics, electrical engineering, computer science, etc., are planned to cater different perspectives of this interdisciplinary field to the audience. The finalized invited speakers and talk details are below:

Call for Papers:

We invite interested authors to submit their previously unpublished work in the area of QEC/FTQC, including but not limited to the topics listed above. The paper should be tailored to an audience comprising engineers, mathematicians, and other researchers who are experts in classical coding and information theory. The accessibility of the paper to classical coding and information theorists would be a key criterion for acceptance of the paper. However, the results must necessarily address important questions in QEC/FTQC. Take a quantum leap by submitting your paper on March 3rd, 2024 (11:59 PM anywhere in the world)!

Paper Submission Details:

Submit your papers via OpenReview. In the field called "TL;DR", specify if it is a paper or poster submission. All papers must be formatted as per the requirements of a standard ISIT paper. Note the OpenReview moderation policy:

Please click here for the website containing the information for authors such as paper format, template and example. Each paper will go through a rigorous review process. An author of an accepted paper must register and present a poster based on the paper at the workshop. The requirements of the poster will be communicated with the acceptance notification for the paper. Only the accepted papers that are presented as posters will be published on IEEE Xplore. Please note that these papers are not eligible for the Jack Keil Wolf ISIT Student Paper Award.

Call for Posters:

We invite the submission of posters primarily concerning major challenges or open problems broadly in QEC for FTQC, including but not limited to the topics listed above for the workshop. The main goal of the poster session at this QuIK workshop is to foster stimulating discussions on this topic in the hope of achieving new collaborations between the attendees. Given this goal, the posters must be designed to interface well with classical information and coding theorists who are interested in learning about these challenges. We highly recommend submitting posters that clearly describe a challenge that can be quickly communicated in a short conversation with an attendee. It is better to refrain from discussing problems that are too deep, technically or otherwise, to understand in a short span of time. The review process for the posters will make this a key criterion for acceptance.

Each poster will go through a rigorous review process. An author of an accepted poster must register and present it at the workshop. The accepted posters will not be published on IEEE Xplore. But we encourage the presenters to provide us with the digital versions of their posters so that they can be shared with the workshop attendees for later viewing.

Poster Submission Details:

Submit your posters via OpenReview. In the field called "TL;DR", specify if it is a paper or poster submission. Note the OpenReview moderation policy:

To make your submission for a poster on an open problem, please write a 3-page extended abstract describing the challenge and the tentative contents of the poster. The font size must be at least 11 with reasonable margins. The page limit excludes references. This must not be a summary of a paper but an insightful description of a key problem in QEC for FTQC that is accessible to a classical information/coding theorist. The submission can be based on published work, but the poster must discuss an unsolved challenge related to that work and not just present the results of that work. In the abstract, also provide a rough sketch of how you intend to communicate the challenge in the poster format.

Important Dates:

Paper submission deadline: 3rd March 2024 (11:59 PM anywhere in the world)

Poster submission deadline: 17th March 2024 (11:59 PM anywhere in the world)

Acceptance notification: 26th April 2024 (11:59 PM anywhere in the world)

Final manuscript submission: 13th May 2024 (11:59 PM anywhere in the world)

Early registration deadline: 13th May 2024 (11:59 PM anywhere in the world)

Online registration deadline: 30th June 2024 (11:59 PM anywhere in the world)

After this date, you will need to register at the on-site registration desks at the convention venue starting July 6.

Registration Details:

Please refer to the ISIT 2024 website for workshop registration. Some funds will be available to provide partial financial support to QEC/FTQC researchers who do not normally attend ISIT. We are excited about enabling fruitful interactions between the QEC/FTQC community and classical information/coding theorists!

We look forward to seeing you at the workshop!

QuIK’24 Program Chairs:

Priya J. Nadkarni, Xanadu Quantum Technologies
Narayanan Rengaswamy, University of Arizona
Bane Vasić, University of Arizona

Questions? E-mail Narayanan Rengaswamy with Cc to Priya Nadkarni and Bane Vasić

Webpage last updated: July 3, 2024